Our Missionaries

Eight Days of Hope is blessed with many wonderful volunteers from all around the country and even the world — many of whom have followed Eight Days of Hope on multiple rebuilding events and rapid response trips. Because of the commitment volunteers show to serve God and serve others, we felt called to launch our own missionary program.

Our missionaries are volunteers who, through their own fundraising, selflessly help serve others with EDOH throughout the year. We are beyond grateful for their commitment, as together, we love and serve those in need across the country.

Support Our Missionaries

Below are the amazing missionaries who join together with Eight Days of Hope to bring hope to the hurting. Their commitment means we can move on a moment’s notice to respond, rebuild, or restore lives. Eight Days of Hope works with Global Service Network to help our missionaries raise funding.

Support one or all of our missionaries as they love and serve those in need by clicking on their profiles below.

Three volunteers
Join our missionary family

Apply Today 

We can’t do what we do without our missionaries. If you are interested in serving with us throughout the year, please fill out the application below!