Houston, TX – Safe House

HOUSTON, TX | March 13-17, 2021

EDOH once again visited Elijah Rising to help install new windows in one of the restoration campus’ homes.

Elijah Rising was founded in 2012 as a prayer gathering focused on ending sex trafficking. In an effort to raise the awareness of local citizens, Elijah Rising began hosting Awareness Van Tours to inform the public of the realities of modern-day slavery and that sex trafficking is happening throughout the city. As women increasingly exit the oppressive sex industry, Elijah Rising’s mission has expanded to include long-term, trauma informed, residential, restorative care. In 2019, the 84-acre Elijah Rising Restoration Campus officially opened, providing personalized, transitional care for adult women who are survivors of sex trafficking and need support services in order to reintegrate into society.

volunteer cleaning floor
Volunteers Needed

Become a Safe House Volunteer

To volunteer with the Safe House Ministry, you must be 18 or older, pass a background check, and be highly skilled in construction.